Y’all, I LOVE HOLY MONDAY!!! Table-flipping Jesus will always be my favorite, because wow, our man’s really tried it, and Jesus wasn’t having it! Now, more often than not, we focus SOLELY on Jesus flipping the table, but we’ve grown and evolved y’all, and realize that flipping tables was only one part of it. Most times, I appreciate Jesus that chooses violence, but I realize that we are required to choose the steps after violence.
Flipping tables of corruption, both systemically and internally, is not new work. Historically, oppressed and marginalized communities are often known for doing these things. The Civil Rights Act of 1964? Flip. The slave revolt of 1793, 1812, 1827, 1845, 1858, and so one and so forth? Flip. The joint protest between LULAC, MAFW, and neighboring allies against the General Immigration Act of 1986? Flip. The teacher’s union revolt of 1995? Flip. We can run the history to last till “thy kingdom come.” We love a good historical and sociological flip.
The internal ones are a little harder though. And by a little, I mean extremely. If my body is a temple, and I believe that it is indeed that holy, I’m responsible for checking what tables I’ve set up in my heart. When I consider how many tables were built around prejudice, hate, and fear, I begin to remember that I’m so grateful for a table-flipping Jesus. There are some tables that couldn’t stay here, and it’s hard work, but some things need clearing, and have to go. We can’t stop there though, and this is where things get complicated.
In Matthew 21:12-13, we see Jesus throwing hands and turnin’ that motha’ out, and then letting them know what ain’t, what it is, and what it will be. But he doesn’t stop there though. In verse 14, he heals a blind and a lame man. He gives purpose to the now overturned structure. Beloved, we’re good at undoing a structure, but when we don’t reimagine what comes after, and/or establish the reconstruction, the purpose, the new thing, what we see happen is that the very structures that we overturned, are reborn under different names and different means, but same corruption. A lot of our historical, as well as modern-day movements are good at the dismantling language and action, but are we really? Because if we don’t deal with the “what’s next”, we will be stuck with the “what’s left”. Even further than that, we’ll go back to “what was”. Technically speaking, the next day, they could’ve set the tables back up, and rebuilt the corrupt place, but Jesus healing this blind and lame man, gave way to a new thing.
I’m not saying that flipping-tables isn’t important. As I already stated, I’m team #ChooseViolenceLikeJesusChose. I’m simply suggesting that if we continue STOP at flipping-tables, believing that flipping tables is the culmination of the work, we will find ourselves where we often do, doing a whole bunch of flipping over and over again, for some of the same themes, We, like Jesus, are responsible for the flipping, AND the healing, AND the “what’s next” of a thing. Flipping takes a level of strength, but are willing to wrestle with what comes after?
My prayer for self, and us as community is as such: “Lord, reveal what tables need to be flipped. Give us the boldness and courage that it takes, to put our lives at necessary risk, when it is time to overturn. Embolden us. And God, if there are tables in our hearts that don’t belong, convict us to overturn those as well. Whether they be the tables we grew up on, tables that we believe kept us safe at the expense of another group, or the tables that just make sense, if they’re not like you, turn them. But don’t just stop there God. When the floor is cleared, and the tables are gone, God, give us your holy imagination to fill in the space with what’s next. You are the God of what comes next, and we want to be with you. In the name of all that is holy, a table-flipping, world-creating Christ we pray. Amen”
Now listen. The kids both today and tomorrow, know what’s up. The kids are alright, but we’ll hear more from them tomorrow. Y’all be kind and gentle with yourselves, hear? Flip what needs flipping. Clear what needs learning. And make sure you’re actively doing the work of healing, and imagining what’s next. Also, be kind and gentle with yourself, because calvary soon come.